
Risk Assessment

Do you believe that you have inadequate or obsolete security systems or faulty electrical infrastructure? This is a standard scenario for most businesses or households. The safety needs and requirements of all facilities keep changing at a rapid pace and they need to be checked and evaluated periodically.

ITO and its experienced consultants offer Risk Assessment in Cyprus, among its many other security services, in order to examine and evaluate your property’s infrastructure and security systems. Accordingly, our expert advisors in Cyprus will recommend the best solutions for your organisation. 

How does the Risk Assessment work? During our Strategic Risk Assessment, a team of certified engineers will assess and benchmark your current infrastructure and systems against best practices and develop a customized solution that fits your needs perfectly. The Risk Assessment will show you exactly where standards are met and exceeded, where your liabilities and potential threats are, and which are the most critical. ITO's extensive Risk Assessment report will give you a clear picture of where you are today along with recommendations for the next steps and long-term solutions to optimize your security for increased safety and more control.

Who needs a Risk Assessment? Companies and households that believe or feel that their security systems have become dated or inadequate and if they have problems with electrical installations. If this is the case, then contact ITO to proceed with a Risk Assessment in Cyprus.
But beyond the major warning signs that serious security or safety breaches are imminent, EVERY business or household that is serious about the long-term health and security of their property should have a Technology Audit.